

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-12-03 17:59 AW, revision 78213

Restore wxPG toolbar buttons state if selecting wxPG page was unsuccessful. Toolbar button corresponding to the unsuccessfully selected page should be released and button corresponding to the old page should be pressed again.

2014-12-01 23:47 AW, revision 78212

Use wxCONTROL_FOCUSED control state flag when drawing native wxPG check box in the "modified state" under wxOSX. Generally, wxCONTROL_PRESSED control flag is used when drawing native check box (wxPGEditor_CheckBox) in "modified state" but under wxOSX this flag is equivalent to wxCONTROL_CHECKED flag and hence it is necessary to indicate this state in an alternative way. Closes #16696

2014-11-29 21:18 AW, revision 78211

Add member function to retrieve wxBoolProperty attribute. Added wxBoolProperty::DoGetAttribute virtual function.

2014-11-29 17:45 AW, revision 78210

Check if new index is in range before selecting new value in wxPGProperty::SetChoiceSelection. Closes #16697

2014-11-28 21:45 AW, revision 78209

Refresh wxPGProperty after changing its attribute. Closes #16696

2014-11-27 23:23 RD, revision 78202

Allow explicitly selecting the carbon build since it is not the default anymore.

2014-11-27 23:23 RD, revision 78201

Add gtk3 build support

2014-11-27 01:45 VZ, revision 78188

Turkish translations update from Kaya Zeren.

2014-11-26 20:16 VZ, revision 78187

German translations update from Wolfgang Stöggl. Many minor fixes and also replacements of "..." with the ellipsis Unicode character (U+2026).

2014-11-25 20:05 VS, revision 78186

Refresh PO files after accelerators changes

2014-11-25 20:05 VS, revision 78185

Improve wxAcceleratorEntry::ToString() formatting This method used the wxKeyNames[] array originally intended for parsing accelerator specification and not for human-friendly formatting. In particular, non-alphanumeric keys such as WXK_DOWN and many others were formatted using all-uppercase name, which was highly unusual and not native on any platforms (the only unaffected one was OS X). Improve the formatting by doing the following: a) use Title case for the entries; because parsing is case-insensitive, this has no effect on it; b) add display_name field for keys where the symbolic name wasn't appropriate for display and set it for some of the keys that are likely to show up in menus; c) add explanatory comments for translators

2014-11-25 20:05 VS, revision 78184

Extract translator comments into wxstd.pot Extract the commonly used TRANSLATORS: prefix into translation files, to provide some additional context where needed.

2014-11-25 20:05 VS, revision 78183

Translate menu accelerators from XRC The content of <accel> property was taken verbatim and appended to the (translated) label; this bypassed wx's internal accelerators translation mechanism, because wxMenuItem code quite reasonably assumes that the string passed to it is translated. Explicitly use SetAccel() instead, to force translation. This matters for languages such as German where e.g. Ctrl+ is translated as Strg+.

2014-11-25 20:04 VS, revision 78182

Refresh PO files after accelerators changes

2014-11-25 20:04 VS, revision 78181

Improve wxAcceleratorEntry::ToString() formatting This method used the wxKeyNames[] array originally intended for parsing accelerator specification and not for human-friendly formatting. In particular, non-alphanumeric keys such as WXK_DOWN and many others were formatted using all-uppercase name, which was highly unusual and not native on any platforms (the only unaffected one was OS X). Improve the formatting by doing the following: a) use Title case for the entries; because parsing is case-insensitive, this has no effect on it; b) add display_name field for keys where the symbolic name wasn't appropriate for display and set it for some of the keys that are likely to show up in menus; c) add explanatory comments for translators

2014-11-25 20:04 VS, revision 78180

Extract translator comments into wxstd.pot Extract the commonly used TRANSLATORS: prefix into translation files, to provide some additional context where needed.

2014-11-25 20:04 VS, revision 78179

Translate menu accelerators from XRC The content of <accel> property was taken verbatim and appended to the (translated) label; this bypassed wx's internal accelerators translation mechanism, because wxMenuItem code quite reasonably assumes that the string passed to it is translated. Explicitly use SetAccel() instead, to force translation. This matters for languages such as German where e.g. Ctrl+ is translated as Strg+.

2014-11-25 19:23 VS, revision 78178

Close NSWindows properly Don't just release the window, call the close method. This is usually the same, but in some situations, the difference (close sends NSWindowWillCloseNotification, which wx doesn't use) is significant. In particular, if the window is shown as fullscreen, OS X won't dispose of its space correctly when the window is released, but not closed first. See

2014-11-25 19:23 VS, revision 78177

Close NSWindows properly Don't just release the window, call the close method. This is usually the same, but in some situations, the difference (close sends NSWindowWillCloseNotification, which wx doesn't use) is significant. In particular, if the window is shown as fullscreen, OS X won't dispose of its space correctly when the window is released, but not closed first. See

2014-11-24 17:11 AW, revision 78176

Remove unused wxPG member variable.

2014-11-24 17:09 AW, revision 78175

Use Boolean variable to store Boolean values in wxPG.

2014-11-24 17:06 AW, revision 78174

Fix using compatibility flag in propgridpagestate.h header file.

2014-11-24 17:04 AW, revision 78173

Use a hash set instead of vector to hold dedicated keys in wxPG.

2014-11-24 14:45 VS, revision 78172

Skip Cocoa's options in wxCmdLineParser on OS X Skip Cocoa-specific flags used by Xcode (such as -AppleLanguages) on OS X when parsing the command line. They all take a single argument, so skip both the flag and the following value in the argv list. Also fix handling of -ApplePersistenceIgnoreState, which didn't skip the value as it should.

2014-11-24 14:45 VS, revision 78171

Skip Cocoa's options in wxCmdLineParser on OS X Skip Cocoa-specific flags used by Xcode (such as -AppleLanguages) on OS X when parsing the command line. They all take a single argument, so skip both the flag and the following value in the argv list. Also fix handling of -ApplePersistenceIgnoreState, which didn't skip the value as it should.