

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-03-23 16:14 JS, revision 38303

Fixed home and end accelerators

2006-03-23 15:56 RD, revision 38302

no longer need reverse renamers for the *Ptr classes

2006-03-23 15:28 JS, revision 38301

Added an optimization that fixes a recursive paint problem when controls are embedded in wxHTML (or other circumstances where the parent resizes the choice/combobox within a paint handler). This also speeds up addition of strings considerably (see "Add many strings" in widgets sample). Also added a check for silly values that can be returned from CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT.

2006-03-23 13:00 ABX, revision 38300

Centering maximized wxTLWs on screen should do nothing.

2006-03-23 11:47 ABX, revision 38299

Unconditional assert means fail.

2006-03-23 11:44 RR, revision 38298

Implement basic MVC logic (change an item in one view and all views update themselves) and made wxDataViewToggleCell react to mouse clicks as a test for that (generic code).

2006-03-23 11:38 JS, revision 38297

Don't centre frame on WinCE

2006-03-23 11:35 JS, revision 38296

Don't centre the frame on WinCE

2006-03-23 11:02 RR, revision 38295

Make generic wxDataViewCtrl draw its contents.

2006-03-23 10:11 ABX, revision 38294

Warning fix.

2006-03-23 09:57 ABX, revision 38293

Warning fix.

2006-03-23 02:01 VZ, revision 38292

workaround for mingw 3.2.3 DLL build with wxUSE_STL=1

2006-03-23 01:01 VZ, revision 38291

nested iterator classes must be dll-exported

2006-03-23 00:48 VZ, revision 38290

removed unneeded (and provoking warnings in DLL build) DLL export declarations

2006-03-23 00:47 VZ, revision 38289

don't compare invalid iterators/node pointers

2006-03-23 00:43 VZ, revision 38288

don't return true from wxRadioBox::AcceptsFocus() even when it's hidden/disabled

2006-03-23 00:41 vell, revision 38287

fixed compilation issue in prior checkin

2006-03-22 23:03 vell, revision 38286

cleanup - reformatting

2006-03-22 20:51 ABX, revision 38285

wxFrameNameStr was already delivered by #include one line earlier.

2006-03-22 20:39 ABX, revision 38284

DMC bug workaround.

2006-03-22 19:37 VZ, revision 38283

make it possible to predefine __WXFUNCTION__ in user code to have a different behaviour (e.g. use __PRETTY_FUNCTION instead of __FUNCTION__ with gcc) if needed

2006-03-22 19:32 VZ, revision 38282

define __WXFUNCTION__ instead of redefining the (semi-)standard __FUNCTION__ which could result in conflicts

2006-03-22 19:31 VZ, revision 38281

documented __WXFUNCTION__

2006-03-22 19:20 VZ, revision 38280

made alphabetical list of functions more alphabetical

2006-03-22 19:14 VZ, revision 38279

made wxList methods return compatibility_iterator instead of Node * to further reduce differences between wxUSE_STL==0 and 1 cases