

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-04-04 16:40 vell, revision 38553

added missing paren

2006-04-04 15:06 MR, revision 38552

gdk_gc_destroy -> gdk_gc_unref -> g_object_unref

2006-04-04 14:57 MR, revision 38551

gdk_image_destroy -> g_object_unref (gdk_image_destroy is deprecated in favor of gdk_image_unref, and is just a #define to it; gdk_image_unref deprecated in favor of g_object_unref)

2006-04-04 14:44 MR, revision 38550

gdk_pixbuf_unref -> g_object_unref

2006-04-04 14:26 MR, revision 38549

gdk_gc_unref -> g_object_unref

2006-04-04 14:25 VZ, revision 38548

corrected mistake in the UTF-16 test on big endian machines

2006-04-04 14:06 MR, revision 38547

And gdk_drawable_unref is in turn deprecated in favor of g_object_unref

2006-04-04 13:54 MR, revision 38546

gdk_bitmap/pixmap_unref -> gdk_drawable_unref

2006-04-04 13:46 MR, revision 38545

gdk_draw_pixmap -> gdk_draw_drawable

2006-04-04 13:37 MR, revision 38544

gdk_window_copy_area(drawable,gc,x,y,source_drawable,source_x,source_y,width,height) -> gdk_draw_pixmap(drawable,gc,source_drawable,source_x,source_y,x,y,width,height)

2006-04-04 13:13 MR, revision 38543

gdk_window_get_visual -> gdk_drawable_get_visual

2006-04-04 13:04 VZ, revision 38542

MB2WC/WC2MB are not pure virtual any longer, implement them in terms of To/FromWChar()

2006-04-04 12:35 VZ, revision 38541

added new To/FromWChar() API with more reasonable semantics than old MB2WC/WC2MB; for now both coexist and the change is/should be backwards compatible

2006-04-04 07:49 VZ, revision 38540

renamed GetMinMBCharWidth() to GetMBNulLen(), made it public and documented it

2006-04-04 04:00 RD, revision 38539

Mention wx.Choice/wx.ComboBox event fix

2006-04-04 03:59 RD, revision 38538

Docstring fix

2006-04-04 03:56 RD, revision 38537

Backport of fixes for wxChoice/wxComboBox so they send events when an item is selected only with the keyboard.

2006-04-03 22:16 VZ, revision 38536

fixed LaTeX markup to suit tex2rtf

2006-04-03 19:34 VS, revision 38535

added ParseInnerSource() to make <pre>-like parsing easier

2006-04-03 18:23 RD, revision 38534


2006-04-03 17:38 ABX, revision 38533

Warning fix.

2006-04-03 05:53 MR, revision 38532

Sync wxGTK docs from WX_2_6_BRANCH to HEAD

2006-04-03 00:21 vell, revision 38531

minor cleanup - reformatting

2006-04-02 20:18 VZ, revision 38530

Apple gcc compilation fixes: for it size_t and unsigned are not the same type for some reason

2006-04-02 20:03 VZ, revision 38529

fixed wxMBConv_iconv to work with UTF-16/32