

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2000-04-08 15:30 SN, revision 7088

Corrected handling of row/column attributes/selections if all columns/rows are removed. Emit EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK before doing any processing of the left click mouse event (instead of emitting it somewhere in the middle). Moved calls to UpdateAttrRows/Cols to wxGrid's Insert/DeleteRow/Column (thereby eliminating the need for two now removed functions).

2000-04-08 12:00 RR, revision 7087

New wxFlexGridSizer.

2000-04-08 11:59 GRG, revision 7086

Added WXFAR to the char* param in the WinMain declaration for clarity

2000-04-08 11:58 GRG, revision 7085

Patch from Christoph Schulz - the CPPFLAGS definition was overriding that of makeb32.env

2000-04-08 11:19 GRG, revision 7084

A couple of changes related to the way that URLs are parsed to form a valid URI in the wxURL::ConvertToValidURI function. Modified to comply with RFC2396 as much as possible, see comments in the code.

2000-04-08 08:18 RD, revision 7083

Changed wxGridCellChoiceEditor's constructor to take an array of wxStrings instead of wxChar*'s. This saved a lot of work for wxPython. Fixed my GetBestSize fix from yesterday Changed wxGrid::Redimension to do a refresh (if not GetBatchCount) so newly appended rows, etc. would show up right away.

2000-04-08 08:16 RD, revision 7082

Changed wxGridCellChoiceEditor's constructor to take an array of wxStrings instead of wxChar*'s. This saved a lot of work for wxPython.

2000-04-08 08:11 RD, revision 7081

More grid demos and some bugs fixed Made (virtual method) callbacks into Python code more safe, and removed the confusion if there was a matching method in the base class.

2000-04-07 23:58 OK, revision 7080

Seems to have forgotten to commit this small isspace => wxIsspace change earlier...

2000-04-07 22:01 VZ, revision 7079

fix assert failure in LVN_KEYDOWN handler sometimes

2000-04-06 22:25 RD, revision 7078

added autoscroll flag for the text editor enabled SPACE to activate the editor

2000-04-06 21:49 DW, revision 7077

More OS/2, Control Program from ansi 'C' io fixes.

2000-04-06 21:15 RD, revision 7076

Fixed wxGridCellStringRenderer::DoGetBestSize to take multiple lines into account and wxGrid::AutoSizeColOrRow to give a few pixels of padding for rows like it does for columns.

2000-04-06 19:31 RR, revision 7075

Added wxGridSizer.

2000-04-06 14:25 VZ, revision 7074

a not-always-correct assert fixed

2000-04-06 14:24 VZ, revision 7073

explained how to use wxString ctor with binary data

2000-04-06 14:03 VZ, revision 7072

SCO UnixWare added to the list of platforms

2000-04-06 13:59 VZ, revision 7071

1. added some tests for setting the fonts 2. don't try touse iso8859-2 encoding by default (error msg is annoying)

2000-04-06 13:41 VZ, revision 7070

wxMkdir/Rmdir clash fixed

2000-04-06 13:40 VZ, revision 7069

another warning fixed/hidden

2000-04-06 13:08 VZ, revision 7068

some long to int warnings from HP-UX log fixed

2000-04-06 12:59 VZ, revision 7067

wxMkdir/Rmdir clash fixed

2000-04-06 12:55 VZ, revision 7066

some harmless warnings fixed

2000-04-06 12:52 VZ, revision 7065

compilation fix for !PCH

2000-04-05 19:21 RD, revision 7064

Some minor build issues for wxGTK Some sources (from .i files) for wxGTK

2000-04-05 18:29 RD, revision 7063

Lots of little changes. Added wrappers for the new wxGrid, and beginings of the demo of it. Changed version number

2000-04-05 00:13 VZ, revision 7062

Unicode related compilation and run-time fixes (wxUSE_MULTIBYTE removed)

2000-04-04 21:10 VS, revision 7061

synchronized strings

2000-04-04 16:45 GRG, revision 7060

Changed xpmi.h to XpmI.h (the correct file name) in an #include directive to avoid problems when cross-compiling from Linux to Windows/mingw

2000-04-04 01:28 VZ, revision 7059

1. wxDateTime almost finished 2. wxCalendarCtrl documented

2000-04-03 22:35 GT, revision 7058

Now uses wxDB_XXXX naming for constants

2000-04-03 22:34 GT, revision 7057

Provided wxDB_XXXX naming for constants

2000-04-03 22:18 VZ, revision 7056

Watcom 11 added

2000-04-03 17:41 GL, revision 7055

Changed a little the initialization code

2000-04-03 13:55 DW, revision 7054

env file for VA 3.0 to use new wx22.def module definition file for .dll builds

2000-04-03 13:25 DW, revision 7053

Resource file specifically for VisualAge V4.0

2000-04-03 12:39 GT, revision 7052

Adjusted demo to reflect class name changes

2000-04-03 12:32 GT, revision 7051

Adjusted sample to reflect class name changes

2000-04-03 12:11 GT, revision 7050

Class renaming so that all ODBC related classes begin with wxDbXxxxx. Backward compatability is maintained using typedefs.

2000-04-03 12:11 GT, revision 7049

Class renaming so that as ODBC related functions begin with wxDbXxxxx. Backward compatability is maintained using typedefs.

2000-04-03 08:16 VS, revision 7048

fixed bug with details list not being shown under fvwm2 and windowmaker

2000-04-03 04:47 DW, revision 7047

Adding new module definition file for VisualAge V3.0 for OS/2

2000-04-03 04:45 DW, revision 7046
  • D /wxWidgets/branches/WX_2_2_BRANCH/lib/wx214.def

Removing old OS/2 module definition file

2000-04-03 04:45 DW, revision 7045

VA4.0 update for building a .dll

2000-04-03 04:23 DW, revision 7044

Multiple fixes for OS/2 including getting rid of the C++ unfriendly direct.h and substituting control program io. Various GUI fixes, too.

2000-04-03 04:22 DW, revision 7043

Getting rid of std 'C' io for OS/2 and substituting friendlier Control Program io.

2000-04-03 01:07 VZ, revision 7042

compilation fixes for non unicode mode

2000-04-03 00:40 VZ, revision 7041

non Unicode VC++ fix

2000-04-03 00:39 VZ, revision 7040

1. wxWizard docs added 2. wxDllLoader docs added (not wxLibrary though - have no idea about this one) 3. some minor fixes to wxCmdLineParser and wx[F]File docs

2000-04-02 21:58 RD, revision 7039

Added "wxPaintDC dc(this);" to wxGrid::OnPaint prevent too many paintevents that don't actually do anything.