

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-05-06 19:17 VZ, revision 39078

simplify the client data/non standard images handling code by unconditionally using wxTreeItemParam struct instead of using indirect data only sometimes; also extend it to contain the id which allows to always sort the items correctly (closes bug 1447419) (patch 1449096 from Ryan)

2006-05-06 19:05 VZ, revision 39077

added InitCommandEventWithItems() and call it from wxChoice and wxComboBox code to ensure that per item client data is set correctly in the generated events (replaces patch 1476171; closes bug 1470505)

2006-05-06 18:53 VZ, revision 39076

corrected last change to cWC2MB() to also work for encoding with NUL length > 1

2006-05-06 18:49 VZ, revision 39075

don't allocate 0-sized buffer in cWC2MB() even if input size is 0

2006-05-06 18:48 VZ, revision 39074

removed wxIsLoggingEnabled() as it could create the log target as an unwanted side effect and just use wxLog::IsEnabled() instead

2006-05-06 18:45 VZ, revision 39073

typo: PrintfInLogBug() was probably supposed to be called PrintfInLogBuf()

2006-05-06 18:44 VZ, revision 39072

delete the old log target if one had been created somehow even before DoCommonPreInit() was called

2006-05-06 17:47 VZ, revision 39071

added ConversionEmpty() test

2006-05-06 17:29 VZ, revision 39070

mention that Wait() relocks the mutex before returning (patch 1482390)

2006-05-06 17:27 VZ, revision 39069

added wxString::EndsWith() (patch 1483049)

2006-05-06 16:59 VZ, revision 39068

allow to specify the value for unknown ids in GetXRCID() (patch 1448981)

2006-05-06 16:57 PC, revision 39067

call static functions directly

2006-05-06 16:16 VZ, revision 39066

added wxTextAttr::Merge (modified patch 1482719)

2006-05-06 16:07 VZ, revision 39065

don't give an error when editing of the items label is cancelled (patch 1482176)

2006-05-06 15:48 VZ, revision 39064

added InitCommandEventWithItems() and call it from wxChoice and wxComboBox code to ensure that per item client data is set correctly in the generated events (replaces patch 1476171; closes bug 1470505)

2006-05-06 15:33 VZ, revision 39063

blank lines were ignored in multiline cell labels (replaces patch 1476165)

2006-05-06 15:28 VZ, revision 39062

code cleanup in DrawTextRectangle()

2006-05-06 15:26 VZ, revision 39061

signed/unsigned warning fix

2006-05-06 15:17 VZ, revision 39060

re-reversed SB_TOP/BOTTOM undoing rev 1.21 change (still no idea why was it done)

2006-05-06 14:57 VZ, revision 39059

added more headers from HEAD to fix Mac (and potentially MSW without PCH) compilation after last backport

2006-05-06 04:34 SC, revision 39058

must be AnyState , not NoState to get all elements (error in apple's doc, reported)

2006-05-06 04:33 PC, revision 39057

don't include scrollbar area in client size

2006-05-06 00:04 VZ, revision 39056

removed TTN_NEEDTEXT handlers, we don't use tooltips on demand

2006-05-05 23:58 VZ, revision 39055

corrected wording of application shutdown logic description

2006-05-05 22:58 ABX, revision 39054

Include wx/dc.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).