

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-05-25 11:39 ABX, revision 39328

[ 1494429 ] Fix for wxOwnerDrawnComboBox::Clear() crash.

2006-05-25 10:03 ABX, revision 39327

Removed some references to unused files.

2006-05-25 07:07 ABX, revision 39326

Include wx/msgdlg.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-25 02:40 PC, revision 39325

don't crash on zero length string in DoDrawRotatedText

2006-05-24 23:24 MR, revision 39324

Typo fix

2006-05-24 23:23 MR, revision 39323

Typo fix (age -> page) and \texttt{NULL} -> \NULL

2006-05-24 22:55 MW, revision 39322

Use wx_static_cast instead of static_cast.

2006-05-24 17:43 PC, revision 39321

derive univ toggle button from button

2006-05-24 17:17 PC, revision 39320

derive univ toggle button from button

2006-05-24 17:03 ABX, revision 39319

Missing app.h include.

2006-05-24 15:13 ABX, revision 39318

wx/debug.h is always unconditionally included by wx/defs.h

2006-05-24 14:56 ABX, revision 39317

wxToggleButton page added to widgets sample.

2006-05-24 14:39 MW, revision 39316

Map between int page ids and page pointers using hashes so that it works when pointers are 64-bits.

2006-05-24 13:41 JS, revision 39315

Don't unselect if setting string that's not found

2006-05-24 09:58 ABX, revision 39314

wxToggleButton for wxUniv already introduced.

2006-05-24 09:44 ABX, revision 39313

[ 1493780 ] wxOwnerDrawnComboBox warnings fixes.

2006-05-24 09:42 ABX, revision 39312

wxToggleButton for wxUniv already introduced.

2006-05-24 09:29 ABX, revision 39311

[ 1493802 ] Allow multiple wxComboCtrl::SetPopupControl calls.

2006-05-24 07:16 ABX, revision 39310

Include wx/settings.h according to precompiled headers of wx/wx.h (with other minor cleaning).

2006-05-24 05:03 PC, revision 39309

correct access for virtuals, other minor corrections

2006-05-24 04:49 RD, revision 39308

Make it possible for pywxrc to generate just the gettext _() strings with no other code, and also make it possible to process more than one XRC file at once into a single output module.

2006-05-23 21:15 RD, revision 39307


2006-05-23 21:08 RD, revision 39306


2006-05-23 20:36 JS, revision 39305

Documented wxUniv wxToggleButton addition

2006-05-23 20:35 JS, revision 39304

Documented wxUniv wxToggleButton