

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-01-13 12:50 vaclavslavik, revision 9088

added English and English US for testing

2001-01-12 20:31 vaclavslavik, revision 9087

changed internat sample so that it shows language choice dialog on startup

2001-01-12 20:31 vaclavslavik, revision 9086

_Really_ fixed Norwegian, added Kernewek language

2001-01-12 20:31 vaclavslavik, revision 9085

changed wxLogWarning('catalog not found') message to wxLogVerbose; wxLocale::Init now works with Windows9X, too

2001-01-12 20:30 vaclavslavik, revision 9084

verbose mode wxLog disabled by default even in debug mode

2001-01-12 20:29 vaclavslavik, revision 9083

applied patch to prevent crashing when libxml DLL doesn't contain some symbols

2001-01-12 19:50 roebling, revision 9082

Updated changes.txt for 2.2.4.

2001-01-11 22:11 vadz, revision 9081

allow people use modal dialogs in wxApp::OnInit

2001-01-11 21:51 vadz, revision 9080

fix/workaround for Trim() and accented letters

2001-01-11 18:54 roebling, revision 9079

wxYield() patch from stable tree.

2001-01-11 18:22 juliansmart, revision 9078

Use wxClientDC in header window so we don't clip (because of gtk_paint_box not being clippable). This cures the header refresh problem.

2001-01-11 16:26 vadz, revision 9077

applied Derry's patch to fix scaling bug

2001-01-11 14:58 vadz, revision 9076

applied (slightly modified) patch for loading large/small icons

2001-01-10 23:54 roebling, revision 9075

Fixes for wxYield() reentry problems.

2001-01-10 19:51 vaclavslavik, revision 9074

fixed Norway languages

2001-01-10 19:51 vaclavslavik, revision 9073
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/misc/languages/_wxlang.cpp
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/misc/languages/_wxlang.h

commited by mistake, removed

2001-01-10 18:31 vaclavslavik, revision 9072

new locales code checked in

2001-01-09 23:29 dwebster, revision 9071

Needed to initialize time_t to 0 in GetTimeZone to prevent a arithmetic underflow in VA 4.0

2001-01-09 15:50 juliansmart, revision 9070

Extended ProcessTextCommand so processes SETFOCUS/KILLFOCUS; checked for valid HWND in wxBuddyTextWndProc so if the event handler kills the HWND, it doesn't crash; added support for disabling 3D effect in buddy window.

2001-01-09 15:37 juliansmart, revision 9069

Extended ProcessTextCommand so processes SETFOCUS/KILLFOCUS; checked for valid HWND in wxBuddyTextWndProc so if the event handler kills the HWND, it doesn't crash; added support for disabling 3D effect in buddy window.

2001-01-08 19:00 dwebster, revision 9068

Fixes to resolve default Client Window painting when EVT_PAINT events are captured by derived classes downstream.

2001-01-08 16:48 vadz, revision 9067

fix for better European date format parsing

2001-01-08 13:35 vadz, revision 9066

test all selection methods

2001-01-07 18:40 roebling, revision 9065

Applied Kai's new 8-bit display patch. It doesn't do any harm on either 8-bit or 16-bit and should improve things under Solaris.

2001-01-07 17:28 vadz, revision 9064

typo: return Win98, not 99, from wxGetOSDescription()

2001-01-07 17:13 vadz, revision 9063

typo: return Win98, not 99, from wxGetOSDescription()

2001-01-07 14:55 roebling, revision 9062

Make wxMenuItem::GetLabel() handle escaped underscores (which are '__') correctly.

2001-01-07 01:35 vadz, revision 9061

1. don't print !isprint() chars in text ctrl 2. better combobox popup positioning (ok now) 3. dismiss on kill focus seems to work

2001-01-06 18:00 vadz, revision 9060

wxPopupWindow class added - nothing works any more but at least it's there

2001-01-06 14:31 vadz, revision 9059

fix for gcc bug under Mac OS X

2001-01-06 14:18 vadz, revision 9058

fixed wxStreamBuffer::SetBufferIO() (thanks to Gilles Depeyrot)

2001-01-05 21:03 vadz, revision 9057

wxDateTime::IsValid() now returns m_time != (wxLongLong)-1

2001-01-05 19:10 georgetasker, revision 9056

Fixed a problem in ConvertWXArrayToC() that would assign a string to an incorrect memory location due to missing parens "(*choices)[i] = aChoices[i];"

2001-01-05 18:58 roebling, revision 9055

Corrcted wxMenuItem::GetLabel() in terms of handling underscores which really ought to be there.

2001-01-05 14:01 juliansmart, revision 9054

Corrected horizontal rule drawing when number of items is 1

2001-01-05 13:35 juliansmart, revision 9053

In wxListCtrl::Find, don't decrement 'start' if already -1, or the search fails.

2001-01-05 10:50 juliansmart, revision 9052

Changed GetDocuments() to remove cast, added GetTemplates()

2001-01-04 19:42 vadz, revision 9051

added wxArrayString::RemoveAt()

2001-01-04 19:06 vadz, revision 9050

fix for copy ctor from the main branch

2001-01-04 18:46 vadz, revision 9049

fix for wxList copy ctor

2001-01-04 15:18 joukj, revision 9048

Committing in . Modified Files: wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms Updating VMS support ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2001-01-04 12:55 vadz, revision 9047

added src/msw/files.lst to the list of files to generate and updated it

2001-01-04 12:17 vadz, revision 9046

use default timeout of 1 minute

2001-01-04 11:05 vadz, revision 9045

tests for the new [de]selection grid methods (patch by Roland Scholz <>)

2001-01-04 02:30 vadz, revision 9044

fix for Centre() (thanks Derry!)

2001-01-03 19:03 vaclavslavik, revision 9043

added SAX error callback (thanks go to Robert)

2001-01-03 17:16 vadz, revision 9042

test for bug with new wu-ftpd

2001-01-03 17:14 vadz, revision 9041

a fix for new wu-ftpd

2001-01-03 17:09 vadz, revision 9040

regenerated the makefiles to include filename.cpp

2001-01-03 15:37 georgetasker, revision 9039

Added filename.obj to the target list so it gets built with VC