

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-07-17 06:19 ABX, revision 40153

Build fix to make tinderbox work, needs asap change.

2006-07-17 00:02 AVV, revision 40152

Avoid wxDateTime object construction for every single access, avoid also arithmetic. should be muhc less cpu intensive now.

2006-07-17 00:01 AVV, revision 40151

Order is correct. Removing warning

2006-07-16 23:19 KO, revision 40150

Be careful about file extensions.

2006-07-16 23:10 VZ, revision 40149

fix Open(wxDbConnectInf) when using connection string (patch 1494705) (backport from HEAD)

2006-07-16 23:09 VZ, revision 40148

fix Open(wxDbConnectInf) when using connection string (patch 1494705)

2006-07-16 22:46 KO, revision 40147

Create the root dir install and readme files, and put them in the manifests. Also, use DOS line endings for MSW archives.

2006-07-16 21:35 SN, revision 40146

Drawing fixed according to patch #1523304.

2006-07-16 21:26 SN, revision 40145

Disable CLIP_SIBLINGS style. Fixes for getting best size. Fixed some error in flag processing. All according to patch #1523304.

2006-07-16 21:13 MW, revision 40144

Revert access changes.

2006-07-16 20:49 SN, revision 40143

Make wxCalendarCtrl work on OS/2's PM port as well (patch #1523304).

2006-07-16 20:41 SN, revision 40142

Avoid trouble during initialisation & typo fix (patch #1523304).

2006-07-16 20:35 SN, revision 40141

Fixed geometry errors according to patch #1523304.

2006-07-16 20:22 VZ, revision 40140

update the combobox text as soon as we get CBN_SELENDOK as otherwise wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED handler got wrong value from our GetValue()

2006-07-16 20:18 VZ, revision 40139

don't grow the combobox vertically (this does make it tall under wxGTK2 even though it has no effect under wxGTK1 and wxMSW)

2006-07-16 20:15 VZ, revision 40138

disable pixel size comparison in operator==() for wxGTK1 as it results in infinite recursion there

2006-07-16 20:03 VZ, revision 40137

wxUSE_PANGO is always 0 for wxGTK1 so there is no need to use #if wxUSE_PANGO in GTK1-only code

2006-07-16 20:00 VZ, revision 40136

wxUSE_PANGO is always 1 for wxGTK2 so there is no need to use #if wxUSE_PANGO in GTK2-only code

2006-07-16 19:50 VZ, revision 40135

unset the button as temporary default item when it's destroyed (closes bug 1354875)

2006-07-16 19:23 VZ, revision 40134

remove the search for parent with wxTAB_TRAVERSAL style in SetDefaultStyle(): it's useless as DM_SETDEFID can be only sent to the immediate parent anyhow, apparently

2006-07-16 19:03 VZ, revision 40133

added a DiscardEdits() test

2006-07-16 18:53 VZ, revision 40132

don't crash if m_widget == NULL in OnInternalIdle() (backport from HEAD)

2006-07-16 18:44 VZ, revision 40131

don't crash if m_widget == NULL in OnInternalIdle()

2006-07-16 18:38 VZ, revision 40130

wxRadioBoxButtonsInfoList should be exported (should fix cygwin build link)

2006-07-16 18:29 VZ, revision 40129

min size of an empty sizer should be (0, 0) and not (10, 10)