

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2001-05-08 00:03 VZ, revision 10038

fixed iso8859-15 handling (backmerged from 2.2)

2001-05-07 23:58 VZ, revision 10037

fixed iso8859-15 handling

2001-05-07 22:30 RD, revision 10036

some updates for new methods, constants, etc.

2001-05-07 22:17 DW, revision 10035

More scrolling work.

2001-05-07 15:52 VZ, revision 10034

support cygwin as synonim for cygwin32

2001-05-07 15:08 VZ, revision 10033

GetSelection() always returns from <= to as wxMSW does

2001-05-07 14:37 JS, revision 10032

Some makefile corrections

2001-05-07 09:57 JS, revision 10031

Misc small mods

2001-05-07 04:17 DW, revision 10030

Support for scrolling

2001-05-06 22:23 VS, revision 10029

MGL structs fwd declared

2001-05-06 22:22 VS, revision 10028

oops, forgot to remove temporary debug printf...

2001-05-06 22:22 VS, revision 10027

wxTAB_TRAVERSAL is default style for wxPanels from XRC

2001-05-06 22:22 VS, revision 10026

added 'name' to wxEditableListBox ctor

2001-05-06 22:22 VS, revision 10025

added <accel> attribute to wxMenuItem

2001-05-06 22:21 VS, revision 10024

added version saving to wxrcedit

2001-05-06 22:21 VS, revision 10023

added version information to XML resources

2001-05-06 22:21 VS, revision 10022

fixed typo that caused incorrect if there was only one book

2001-05-06 22:21 VS, revision 10021

fixed loading of resource from zip files (now handles both .xrc and binary .xmb files)

2001-05-06 22:20 VS, revision 10020

1.first attempt to wxFont in wxMGL 2. backported wxNativeFontInfo to this branch so that I don't have to rewrite wxFont after merge

2001-05-06 18:58 GD, revision 10019

added clientcontext variable to Open Transport initialisation

2001-05-06 18:51 GD, revision 10018

applied correction from Marc Newsam in calculations of linesize tested with the image sample which now produces expected results

2001-05-06 17:41 RR, revision 10017

Made the applet code compile under GTK.

2001-05-06 05:15 DM, revision 10016

Added Codewarrior project files for jpeg, png, tiff, and zlib.

2001-05-06 05:03 RD, revision 10015

MouseWheel stuff Added wxToggleButton other odds and ends

2001-05-06 02:05 VZ, revision 10014

menu sample builds and starts! but crashes a bit later

2001-05-06 01:20 RD, revision 10013

Added MouseWheel support to wxSTC

2001-05-06 00:26 RD, revision 10012

fixed typo

2001-05-06 00:25 RD, revision 10011

Fixed HandleMouseWheel to be __WIN32__ sensitive

2001-05-06 00:09 VZ, revision 10010

start of menu support

2001-05-05 23:48 VZ, revision 10009

ignore the yet unused bmp icons

2001-05-05 18:06 VS, revision 10008

updated VC makefiles to compile expat

2001-05-05 18:06 VS, revision 10007

reverted the hack for accepting broken HHC files (new wxHF_xxxx flags provide same features)

2001-05-05 18:05 VS, revision 10006

added new wxHF_xxxx contants to control wxHtmlHelpFrame's appearance (book icons in contents)

2001-05-05 18:05 VS, revision 10005

updated to show new wxHF_xxxx contants

2001-05-05 18:05 VS, revision 10004

added new gizmo: wxEditableListBox

2001-05-05 18:04 VS, revision 10003

fixed typo

2001-05-05 18:04 VS, revision 10002

minor change: buf[(size_t)pos] instead of buf.c_str()[pos]

2001-05-05 15:12 VZ, revision 10001

fixed item parameter for CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED event (was always -1 before when suing the mouse)

2001-05-04 23:54 VS, revision 10000

1. changed AddSharedProcessor to AddGlobalProcessor 2. Added wxHtmlProcessor::Enable and IsEnabled 3. fixed fatal bug in wxHtmlWindow::Add[Global]Processor

2001-05-04 23:53 VS, revision 9999

applied patch #421410: 1. Mingw and BCC makefiles 2. compilation fixes

2001-05-04 23:52 VS, revision 9998

added wxHtmlHelpController::GetHelpData and removed SetBookBasePath (you can use GetHelpData() for same effect)

2001-05-04 23:36 DM, revision 9997

Added the Carbon precompiled headers

2001-05-04 19:45 DW, revision 9996

Keeping these somewhat up to date

2001-05-04 18:28 RD, revision 9995

Got a new version of StructuredText from Zope's CVS.

2001-05-04 14:50 JS, revision 9994

*** empty log message ***

2001-05-04 14:16 JS, revision 9993

Referred reader to install.txt files.

2001-05-04 10:31 JS, revision 9992

Added mac.rsp, zipmac.bat

2001-05-04 07:28 RD, revision 9991

Redirected mouse wheel events from the child grid windows to the wxGrid so the default behaviour in wxScrolledWindow can take care of it.

2001-05-04 07:26 RD, revision 9990

Added mouse wheel support for MSW. It generates a wxMouseEvent with a type of wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL. wxMouseEvent has new members and accessors to transport mouse wheel rotation data. New members and accessors are documented. wxGenericScrolledWindow modified to turn mouse wheel events into scroll actions. Added wxUSE_MOUSEWHEEL to setup0.h to allow disabling the platform specific parts.

2001-05-04 05:11 RD, revision 9989

build fixes for Python 2.1 distutils