

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-08-13 22:36 VZ, revision 40603

compilation fixes after recent wxFontEnumerator changes in USE_NATIVE_FONT_DIALOG_FOR_MACOSX == 0 case

2006-08-13 21:12 VZ, revision 40602

corrected signed/unsigned comparison warnings

2006-08-13 21:10 VZ, revision 40601

regenerated after adding platinfo.{h|cpp}

2006-08-13 21:04 VZ, revision 40600

remove extraneous commas and semicolons (patch 1537792)

2006-08-13 21:00 VZ, revision 40599

wxPlatformInfo (patch 1532064)

2006-08-13 20:30 VZ, revision 40598

fix printf() argument type in GetOsInfo()

2006-08-13 12:12 CE, revision 40597

fix borland error about string refernce

2006-08-13 05:56 PC, revision 40596

wxBitmap does not need to use gdk_wx_draw_bitmap

2006-08-13 05:12 PC, revision 40595

more accurate mask creation for low color displays

2006-08-13 04:03 AVV, revision 40594

Fixed PORT command on wxFTP. Closes 1219870

2006-08-13 03:56 AVV, revision 40593

Fixes HTTP download of zero-size files. Closes 1502144

2006-08-13 03:55 AVV, revision 40592

Fixes wrong HTTP POST data sent due to unicode issues. Closes 1428232

2006-08-13 01:25 VZ, revision 40591

fixed crash if the control is moved while the popup is open (backport of patch 1539194)

2006-08-13 01:24 VZ, revision 40590

fixed crash if the control is moved while the popup is open (patch 1539194)

2006-08-13 01:22 VZ, revision 40589

fixes for several fatal problems when using wxComboCtrl as popup (patch 1539124)

2006-08-13 01:20 VZ, revision 40588

corrected example of GetUserConfigDir() return value under Windows (patch 1538788)

2006-08-13 01:17 VZ, revision 40587

remove extraneous commas and semicolons (patch 1537792)

2006-08-13 01:15 VZ, revision 40586

fixed SetSelection(-1) for controls with multiple selection (backport of patch 1537282)

2006-08-13 01:13 VZ, revision 40585

fixed SetSelection(-1) for controls with multiple selection (patch 1537282)

2006-08-13 01:08 VZ, revision 40584

don't rely on system snprintf() for the tests (patch 1532503)

2006-08-13 01:07 VZ, revision 40583


2006-08-13 01:05 VZ, revision 40582

fixed wrong test (patch 1532411)

2006-08-13 00:44 VZ, revision 40581

added wxULongLong::ToDouble() (patch 1531597)

2006-08-13 00:41 VZ, revision 40580

F4 key also toggles combobox popup under MSW

2006-08-13 00:35 VZ, revision 40579

better key handling for MSW and GTK (patch 1526666)