

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2006-08-20 12:14 VZ, revision 40706

create status bar to see wxLogStatus messages

2006-08-20 11:04 VZ, revision 40705

removed unneeded cast to wxWindowDC in DrawItemSelectionRect()

2006-08-20 10:54 VZ, revision 40704

connect the affirmative/cancel button handlers to new ids, not old ones

2006-08-20 10:52 VZ, revision 40703

set wxID_CLOSE as affirmative id, not cancel id, this makes more sense for this dialog even if the effect is the same

2006-08-20 10:39 VZ, revision 40702

map Esc to GetAffirmativeId() instead of hardcoded wxID_OK when escape id is wxID_ANY

2006-08-20 10:38 VZ, revision 40701

updates for wxDialog affirmative/escape id buttons handling changes

2006-08-20 10:30 VZ, revision 40700

handle the buttons with ids specified in SetAffirmative/CancelId() as Ok/Cancel

2006-08-20 09:44 MBN, revision 40699

Allow building when WXINTL_NO_GETTEXT_MACRO is defined.

2006-08-20 05:09 RD, revision 40698

Updates from Eli

2006-08-20 04:55 AVV, revision 40697

Fair enough warning on proxy negociation timeout

2006-08-20 04:49 RD, revision 40696

Change Miki's email address

2006-08-20 04:46 RD, revision 40695

Add dtor for wxCalendarDateAttr

2006-08-20 04:24 AVV, revision 40694

Document wxSocketClient::SetProxy and wxSocketClient::GetProxyError

2006-08-20 04:20 RD, revision 40693

Various updates

2006-08-20 04:19 RD, revision 40692

Add ImageFromBuffer

2006-08-19 23:21 VZ, revision 40691

don't use deprecated wxStripMenuCodes overload

2006-08-19 23:19 VZ, revision 40690

don't use the hack with handling wxID_CLOSE button events in wxDialog::OnCancel(); simply map Esc to wxID_CLOSE instead

2006-08-19 23:17 VZ, revision 40689

tidy up configure output, don't show gnomeprint/vfs/hildon for non-GTK ports

2006-08-19 23:04 VZ, revision 40688

don't call base class OnOk() directly, use EndDialog() instead

2006-08-19 22:56 VZ, revision 40687

moved all wxDialog event handlers to wxDialogBase to avoid code duplication (sixplication?) among ports; as a side effect added public wxDialog methods to wxDialogBase as well and moved EndDialog() (previously implemented by wxMSW, wxMotif, wxMac and wxCocoa but not the other ports) to wxDialogBase too

2006-08-19 22:36 VZ, revision 40686

centralized Esc key handling for closing the dialogs in wxDialogBase: 1. added wxDialogBase::OnCharHook() and removed this event handler from all the other ports 2. also removed ad hoc code doing the same thing in wxMSW (MSWProcessMessage() override in wxDialog) and wxGTK (in gtk_window_key_press_callback()) 3. reimplemented EmulateButtonClickIfPresent() portably and also moved it to wxDialogBase from wxMSW wxDialog

2006-08-19 22:21 PC, revision 40685

use wxChar* instead of wxString for string constants, cuts object size by ~1200 bytes

2006-08-19 22:17 VZ, revision 40684

compilation fix after wxPlatformInfo patch: use wxOS_WINDOWS_CE instead of wxWinPocketPC

2006-08-19 21:48 VZ, revision 40683

removed #ifdef wxTopLevelWindowNative -- it's now defined for all ports

2006-08-19 21:30 PC, revision 40682

simplify coordinate transformation code