

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-04-08 20:20 JS, revision 15040

Project file update

2002-04-08 20:17 JS, revision 15039

Added define to STC VC++ project file Ming/Cygwin makeprog.env clean target now cleans .exes Edited version in install.txt Copied HTML files from web files

2002-04-08 18:05 RR, revision 15038

A little less flicker when selecting text.

2002-04-08 17:15 JS, revision 15037

More BC++ makefile tweaks

2002-04-08 17:14 JS, revision 15036

Further fixes to references

2002-04-08 16:46 JS, revision 15035

Removed a lot of redundant references to wxWindow::On... functions. Added initial artprov.tex. Sorted out duff references.

2002-04-08 16:31 VZ, revision 15034

fixed format parameter in wxGetVolumeString() (closes patch 541037)

2002-04-08 16:28 VZ, revision 15033

fixed several bugs in Mkdir() and also modified its API to be more user friendly (based on the patch 541033 from Chris Elliott)

2002-04-08 16:15 VZ, revision 15032

added GetPath(flags) version to allow retrieving the volume as well

2002-04-08 16:02 VZ, revision 15031

added the keyboard sample

2002-04-08 15:35 RD, revision 15030

Added missing files

2002-04-08 14:21 JS, revision 15029

Added makefiles to widgets sample

2002-04-08 14:12 JS, revision 15028

BC++ 32-bit makefile now copies setup.h to the correct place Fixed compilo in treetest.cpp Fixed version numbers in make*.env Added dummy keyboard.rc so works

2002-04-08 14:05 VZ, revision 15027

wxMSW doesn't send CHAR events for Caps/Scroll/NumLock neither

2002-04-08 14:00 VZ, revision 15026

added a few debugging messages

2002-04-08 13:35 VZ, revision 15025

report all ASCII keys, not just the US-ASCII ones

2002-04-08 13:35 VZ, revision 15024

fix for non-US keyboards: the ASCII chars must be unsigned

2002-04-08 13:24 VZ, revision 15023

wxGTK keyboard handling now behaves (mostly) like wxMSW

2002-04-08 11:55 JS, revision 15022

Re-enabled dynamic library code in wxFileName so that normalization works again in Win32. I don't know why it had been disabled.

2002-04-08 11:36 VZ, revision 15021

some kbd processing code cleanup, no real changes yet

2002-04-08 11:34 JS, revision 15020

Added further keyboard sample makefiles

2002-04-08 11:15 JS, revision 15019

Added wxDIRCTRL_EDITABLE style so we can choose whether items are editable or not

2002-04-08 10:58 VZ, revision 15018

fixed crash in SetFirstVisible()

2002-04-08 10:55 VZ, revision 15017

Unix makefile for the new sample

2002-04-08 10:50 JS, revision 15016

Canvas: added some DECLARE_CLASS macros to stop it failing in class info initialisation Mmedia: compiles agin Plot: corrected VC++ project settings Simple toolbar: should draw a highlight again now Generic dir control: moved control ids to header for apps that need to get hold of the individual controls Scintilla: unconditionally compile Scintilla_LinkLexers() to correct link error in sample

2002-04-08 10:43 VZ, revision 15015

temporary compilation fix

2002-04-08 09:27 SC, revision 15014

new makefile

2002-04-07 23:14 VS, revision 15013

Don't allow expanding/collapsing hidden root

2002-04-07 23:08 VS, revision 15012

oops, forgot to implement Home button

2002-04-07 23:07 VS, revision 15011

cleaned up the mess caused by FloodFill patch

2002-04-07 23:05 VS, revision 15010

cleaning up the mess created by the FloodFill patch

2002-04-07 22:58 JS, revision 15009

Fixed some bit-rot problems in contribs

2002-04-07 22:47 JS, revision 15008

Changed caret to black and made it go when control isn't focussed

2002-04-07 22:42 VZ, revision 15007

fix for splitting the UNC paths

2002-04-07 22:37 VZ, revision 15006

added ra key methods docs

2002-04-07 22:29 VZ, revision 15005

added wxTextCtrl::EmulateKeyPress

2002-04-07 21:12 JS, revision 15004

Removed leaks from Forty demo Added VC++ project file for artprov sample Updated file lists

2002-04-07 21:06 VZ, revision 15003

added raw key code and flags support (based on patch from Bryce Denney)

2002-04-07 21:02 VZ, revision 15002

added option to show the raw key codes

2002-04-07 20:46 RR, revision 15001

Further work on wxTextCtrl.

2002-04-07 18:28 GD, revision 15000

updated CodeWarrior 5.3 exported xml projects

2002-04-07 18:21 GD, revision 14999

removed unnecessarily overridden wxControl method

2002-04-07 18:08 VZ, revision 14998

added a new sample to show the key events

2002-04-07 17:56 GD, revision 14997

updated CodeWarrior 5.3 exported xml projects

2002-04-07 17:49 GD, revision 14996

removed 68K targets and preferences added new/missing source files

2002-04-07 17:33 VZ, revision 14995

reformatted to fit in the page width

2002-04-07 17:28 VZ, revision 14994

compilation fix for USE_PCH

2002-04-07 17:20 VZ, revision 14993

refresh the dialog children forcefully even if wxCLIP_CHILDREN was specified

2002-04-07 17:20 VZ, revision 14992

removed Robert's test code

2002-04-07 17:09 JS, revision 14991

Version updates, manual date change, no change to dragimmg.cpp