

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-07-27 18:14 VS, revision 16290

fixed typo

2002-07-27 18:14 VS, revision 16289

1. clarified relation between XRC .xrs files and ZIPs 2. some minor additions to XRC docs

2002-07-27 07:03 JS, revision 16288

Corrected typo

2002-07-27 05:15 RL, revision 16287

minus one show stopper typo and a couple of warnings on mingw.

2002-07-26 22:09 VS, revision 16286


2002-07-26 22:08 VS, revision 16285

fix for memory leak in XRC-generated CXX resources code

2002-07-26 16:13 JS, revision 16284

Don't fail to register remaining window classes if one fails to register Set window proc for non-control windows

2002-07-26 07:13 SC, revision 16283

changed library include to use relative paths

2002-07-26 06:52 SC, revision 16282

added msgout.cpp

2002-07-26 01:51 RD, revision 16281

Show how to prevent deselection of specific items

2002-07-26 01:51 RD, revision 16280

Don't show a dialog upon import when Numeric isn't installed

2002-07-25 22:37 VS, revision 16279

backported buffer overflow fix for wxHTML to 2.2

2002-07-25 21:47 GD, revision 16278

prefix include file for Project Builder project

2002-07-25 20:29 MBN, revision 16277

Applied patch from Ian Brown to make menus look better in wxMotif (#586347)

2002-07-25 17:07 VZ, revision 16276

corrected Enable() docs to correspond to the real method signature

2002-07-25 13:29 JJ, revision 16275

Committing in . changed one parameter in the definition of wxBitmap from long to int. (just as it is in wxGTK). This solves a compilation problem on OpenVMS. Modified Files: wxWindows/include/wx/motif/bitmap.h wxWindows/src/motif/bitmap.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-07-25 13:18 JJ, revision 16274

Committing in . Updated OpenVMS compile support: setip.h_vms : added definition of wxExplicit descrip.mms : added msgout.cpp utilsunx.cpp : supressed unreacheable code warning in one routine by OpenVMS only #pragma's. Modified Files: wxWindows/setup.h_vms wxWindows/src/common/descrip.mms wxWindows/src/unix/utilsunx.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------------

2002-07-25 09:58 SC, revision 16273

removed virtual modifier from Command handlers, added readonly and color information to textctrls

2002-07-25 09:08 MBN, revision 16272

Updated Makefiles for Motif

2002-07-25 08:42 SC, revision 16271

removed virtual modifier from Command handlers, added readonly and color information to textctrls

2002-07-25 01:28 RD, revision 16270

changes to match recent CVS updates

2002-07-25 01:27 RD, revision 16269

Added wxUSE_RICHEDIT to match usage in header

2002-07-24 19:46 MBN, revision 16268

Updated Makefiles for all but Motif; there is either a lock or a CVS problem.

2002-07-24 19:29 MBN, revision 16267

Added wxMessageOutput as per the discussion on wx-dev. Added wxApp::DoInit to initialize the global wxMessageOutput instance. Changed wxCommandLineParser to use wxMessageOutput.

2002-07-23 21:59 VZ, revision 16266

IsSingleLine() is now in the base class

2002-07-23 21:59 VZ, revision 16265

added operator++/-- for wxAutoULong (SF patch from Igor)

2002-07-23 20:51 RR, revision 16264

Changed wxGTK's notion of SetSize() to never allow setting the width and height to -1 even if the wxALLOW_MINUS_ONE flag is set.

2002-07-23 17:32 JS, revision 16263

Added wxMotif comments

2002-07-23 17:31 JS, revision 16262

Applied patch [ 585436 ] motif toolbar control alignment fix

2002-07-23 17:28 JS, revision 16261

Applied patch [ 585322 ] motif border style fix for statictext

2002-07-23 17:25 JS, revision 16260

Applied patch [ 584885 ] better colour handling in motif

2002-07-23 16:27 JS, revision 16259

Possibly cured the assertion message dialog paint problem, by explicitly calling OnInternalIdle if it's a message dialog within an assertion.

2002-07-23 14:09 VZ, revision 16258

fix to not show ampersands in the static box title (needed after the previous change)

2002-07-23 14:08 VZ, revision 16257

added test for toggling the main toolbar

2002-07-22 23:07 DW, revision 16256

Weekly catch up and slider fixes.

2002-07-22 23:06 DW, revision 16255

OS/2 tweaks.

2002-07-22 23:03 JS, revision 16254

Added wxListCtrl to derive from wxGenericListCtrl, ditto for wxImageList

2002-07-22 14:46 DW, revision 16253

FALSE not false.

2002-07-22 14:42 VZ, revision 16252

made wxDllLoader more backwards compatible

2002-07-22 13:37 JS, revision 16251

Changed main ftp address to

2002-07-22 08:51 JS, revision 16250

Applied patch [ 583922 ] Make generic/wxListCtrl avail. in WIN32 Generic wxListCtrl renamed to wxGenericListCtrl, wxImageList renamed to wxGenericImageList, so they can be used on wxMSW (Rene Rivera).

2002-07-22 03:29 DW, revision 16249

Dialogs and slider updates

2002-07-22 03:28 DW, revision 16248

OS/2 Update

2002-07-22 03:27 DW, revision 16247

Lots of updates for color dialog and sliders

2002-07-21 22:29 VS, revision 16246

Unicodification of wxDataStreams

2002-07-21 21:45 JS, revision 16245

Returned value from operator=

2002-07-21 20:44 VZ, revision 16244

fixed small memory leak

2002-07-21 20:32 JS, revision 16243

operator = implemented inline.

2002-07-21 18:51 VZ, revision 16242

added (and documented) trivial but useful IsSingleLine() and IsMultiLine() text control methods

2002-07-21 18:49 VZ, revision 16241

default style now applies to the text entered by the user as well (patch 574789)