

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-08-01 19:51 JS, revision 16340

Applied patch [ 589484 ] wxGenericListCtrl, fix for direct use.

2002-08-01 19:12 MBN, revision 16339

Patch [ 584078 ] Misc samples fixes from Dimitri Schoolwerth Addresses: printf-format warinigs indentation/style unused variable warnings used wxID_ABOUT for about menu entry removed references to "minimal sample" in other samples some other misc warinigs

2002-07-31 21:06 MBN, revision 16338

Fixed logic error

2002-07-31 20:44 MBN, revision 16337

Patch [ 588837 ] Fixes comment style in gsocket.* C files should countain C-style commensts, not C++.

2002-07-31 20:40 MBN, revision 16336

Regenerated files.lst after addition of listbase.h

2002-07-31 20:35 MBN, revision 16335

Refactored wxListBox code so that it correctly implements wxControlWithItems, and removed some duplicated code. Implemented wxCheckListBox using the same technique as wxGTK.

2002-07-31 02:51 RD, revision 16334

My RPM spec now uses the --enable-rpath

2002-07-31 02:50 RD, revision 16333

Added --enable-rpath=dir that will cause the -rpath linker commands to be output by wx-config --libs

2002-07-30 22:01 VS, revision 16332

fixed icons displaying in wxHtmlHelpFrame (somebody obviously didn't bother to check his changes...)

2002-07-30 21:20 MBN, revision 16331

Due to my previous commit, calling wxWindow::Create( ... wxSize(-1,-1) was causing a BadMatch error *trying to set width/height to 0).

2002-07-30 19:04 JS, revision 16330

Added wx/listbase.h with wxListCtrl types, so we can have wxGenericListCtrl available on all platforms

2002-07-30 16:14 JS, revision 16329

Must include wx/listctrl.h unfortunately, for now

2002-07-30 16:01 JS, revision 16328

More tweaks so wxGenericListCtrl only uses generic components

2002-07-30 15:38 DW, revision 16327

Installation file

2002-07-30 14:13 DW, revision 16326

os2 distribution response file

2002-07-30 11:56 DW, revision 16325

Weekly Updates

2002-07-29 21:05 MBN, revision 16324

Fixed my utnpaste error (thanks to Marcin Wojdyr

2002-07-29 20:34 MBN, revision 16323

w32api 2.0 will have shlwapi.h

2002-07-29 20:31 MBN, revision 16322

Under MSW and GTK the foreground and background colour for a blit from a monochrome bitmap are the text for/background colours. Until now motif used the pen and background brush colours. Now Motif behaviour matches MSW and GTK one.

2002-07-29 20:28 RD, revision 16321

Changes to attempt to use a private wxGTK

2002-07-29 20:25 MBN, revision 16320

Generate EVT_SPINCTRL_UPDATED for wxMotif, too

2002-07-29 20:02 RD, revision 16319

Added some rectangle based method overloads

2002-07-29 19:17 JS, revision 16318

Added wxComboBox to scroll test to demonstrate Mac problem

2002-07-29 18:29 VZ, revision 16317

fixed bug due to which all items in a virtual control stayed sometimes selected even after Clear()ing it

2002-07-29 12:27 RN, revision 16316

Import regex from tcl 8.4.5

2002-07-29 12:27 , revision 16315

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'RXSPENCER'.

2002-07-29 12:27 RN, revision 16314

Tcl regex lib

2002-07-29 10:56 RN, revision 16313

Import regex from tcl 8.4.5

2002-07-29 10:56 , revision 16312

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'RXSPENCER'.

2002-07-29 10:56 RN, revision 16311

Tcl regex lib

2002-07-29 04:32 DW, revision 16310

Slider Updates

2002-07-29 04:13 RL, revision 16309

The world should not end if a server has no peer. Let's return FALSE instead. GAddress_copy should copy truthfully, not mangle the result if things are going badly. An earlier incarnation of the above. Disable events before closing the socket, though just disabling them at all will do. This was the cause of the nasty 'crash on fail to bind' behaviour that people have been seeing.

2002-07-28 20:53 MBN, revision 16308

Take into account icon mask in wxStaticBitmap

2002-07-28 20:51 MBN, revision 16307

Check for NULL pointer

2002-07-28 20:50 MBN, revision 16306

Calss interface updates (wxMotif-only). Made wxCheckBox inherit from wxChekBoxBase. Corrected virtual function hiding in wxListBox. Made wxRadioBox inherit from wxRadioBoxBase.

2002-07-28 18:48 VS, revision 16305

ported characters escaping in menus to GTK+ 2.0 (it is now possible to have / in menu entries, unlike in case of GTK+ 1.2; and \ was fixed to work in 2.0)

2002-07-28 16:23 RR, revision 16304

New implementation of ShowFullScreen(). It works so well, it is hard to believe.

2002-07-28 13:33 MBN, revision 16303

Implemented wxSpinButton for wxMotif. Renamed generic wxSpinCtrl::DoGetBestClientSize to DoGetBestSize ( the "Client" appears to be a relic of the past ).

2002-07-28 10:17 RR, revision 16302

Implement SetFilterIndex

2002-07-28 10:16 RR, revision 16301

IMplement SetFilterINdex()

2002-07-27 22:28 VS, revision 16300

How to use MSLU with MSVC/nmake

2002-07-27 22:28 VS, revision 16299

MSLU clarifications

2002-07-27 22:27 VS, revision 16298

libunicows moved to sourceforge

2002-07-27 21:29 RD, revision 16297

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-07-27 20:24 MBN, revision 16296

Added statline.h to wxMotif files

2002-07-27 20:14 MBN, revision 16295

Check for NULL before dereferencing

2002-07-27 20:13 MBN, revision 16294

Added DoSetSize and DoMoveWindow to generic wxStaticLine. Now it works with sizers.

2002-07-27 20:12 MBN, revision 16293

Rename wxGenericImageList to wxImageList in generic wxListCtrl, too.

2002-07-27 20:10 MBN, revision 16292

Changed wxMotif's wxWindow::Create so it does not call DoSetSize anymore; now calling wxWindow::SetSize should call wxWindow::DoMoveWindow. As a result composite controls should work with Motif, too.

2002-07-27 18:14 VS, revision 16291

added a section on when to delete global objects