

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-08-28 08:50 SN, revision 16840

Some OS/2 specific additions.

2002-08-28 08:28 JS, revision 16839

XmNframeChildType is not in Motif 1.2. #ifdef appropriately.

2002-08-28 04:35 RD, revision 16838

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-08-28 04:32 RD, revision 16837

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-08-28 04:31 RD, revision 16836

Change how the tool scripts are installed

2002-08-28 01:39 RD, revision 16835

Some updates for the demo

2002-08-28 01:38 RD, revision 16834

Some unicode fixes for the wxWisard wrappers

2002-08-27 20:50 RD, revision 16833

SWIGged updates for wxGTK

2002-08-27 20:48 RD, revision 16832

SWIGged updates for wxMac

2002-08-27 20:45 RD, revision 16831

Some distrib updates for wxPythonOSX

2002-08-27 20:40 MBN, revision 16830

Removed (broken) cross-compilation support from makefiles. If you want to cross-compile you better use configure.

2002-08-27 20:35 RD, revision 16829

Compilation fixes for wxPython's wxWizard, added wxRegionFromPoints

2002-08-27 20:32 MBN, revision 16828

Honour wxSB_WRAP in wxMotif spin button

2002-08-27 20:31 MBN, revision 16827

When there is no display, the default log target will log nowhere. Switch to wxLogStderr before writing the failure message.

2002-08-27 20:29 MBN, revision 16826

Don't get the string when the combobox returned CB_ERR when getting the length.

2002-08-27 20:28 MBN, revision 16825

wxItemContainer already deletes client data; don't delete (again) the data in the control.

2002-08-27 20:26 VZ, revision 16824

made it compile with wxUniv (which doesn't have tooltips)

2002-08-27 19:16 VZ, revision 16823

another update from Andrew V. Samoilov

2002-08-27 19:15 VZ, revision 16822

force making stats

2002-08-27 19:04 VZ, revision 16821

apparently CW always has vsnprintf()

2002-08-27 19:01 VZ, revision 16820

expanded OnExit() docs (patch 600043)

2002-08-27 18:59 VZ, revision 16819

updated ctor/Create() signature to match the real functions (bug #596178)

2002-08-27 18:59 RD, revision 16818

Use the default stdio window for the gui tools

2002-08-27 18:56 RD, revision 16817

Updated note about the tool scripts

2002-08-27 18:41 VZ, revision 16816

added a section containing the preprocessor constants defined by wxWindows (previous -- but heavily updated -- contents of docs/symbols.txt)

2002-08-27 18:24 VZ, revision 16815
  • D /wxWidgets/trunk/docs/symbols.txt

moved the (updated) contents of this file to the manual

2002-08-27 18:15 VZ, revision 16814

streamlined vsnprintf() check -- now that we fall back to our own printf() version anyhow in some cases it doesn't make sense to jump through all these hoops just to avoid it (and, besides, it didn't work anyhow); suppressed vprintf() and vsscanf() checks which results we never used

2002-08-27 17:03 VZ, revision 16813

fixed crashes in Push/PopEventHandler() if the current handler is NULL

2002-08-27 16:05 VZ, revision 16812

fixed bug in SetStyle() which wouldn't reset the slant if it had been set before

2002-08-27 15:37 VZ, revision 16811

my previous backwards compatible fix wasn't really very compatible

2002-08-27 15:14 SC, revision 16810

fixed miscasing in GetOutCode

2002-08-27 09:38 VZ, revision 16809

added icons to virtual list mode

2002-08-27 09:26 VZ, revision 16808

compilation fix

2002-08-27 09:20 VZ, revision 16807


2002-08-27 09:17 VZ, revision 16806

deprecated static wxWizard::Create()

2002-08-27 09:02 VZ, revision 16805

fixed wxVsnprintf_() compilation in ASCII mode

2002-08-27 08:56 VZ, revision 16804

(blind) fix for BC++ compilation problem with wxPutc() redefinition

2002-08-27 01:11 RD, revision 16803

Some distrib updates for wxPythonOSX, and reSWIGged a bit

2002-08-27 00:58 RD, revision 16802

Updated note about wxSTC using wxPopupWindow

2002-08-27 00:57 RD, revision 16801

Some little tweaks

2002-08-27 00:56 RD, revision 16800

Don't use a wxPopupWindow on wxGTK

2002-08-26 22:54 GRG, revision 16799

Fixed warnings due to use of %d for long int params in function wxNativeFontInfo::ToString()

2002-08-26 21:42 RR, revision 16798

Applied button aligment patch.

2002-08-26 21:27 RR, revision 16797

Applied zero-size patch.

2002-08-26 21:15 VZ, revision 16796

another fix to the wxFormatConverter bug with the formats which don't have to be converted

2002-08-26 21:12 GRG, revision 16795

Removed compilation warnings (mostly mismatches between the format string for debug/trace printfs and the actual parameters, e.g. int vs long, etc)

2002-08-26 20:58 RR, revision 16794

Corrected wxFormatConverter for strings which need not get converted.

2002-08-26 20:58 VZ, revision 16793

added extra parentheses to wxDynamicCast() to allow using it like wxDynamicCast(foo, Foo)->DoFoo()

2002-08-26 20:44 MBN, revision 16792

Detect if g++ requires -fvtable-thunks for COM interfaces. Newer g++ does not require nor support it, so it must not be used.

2002-08-26 19:45 RD, revision 16791

Ensure that the busy cursor is dismissed