

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2002-09-02 19:15 GD, revision 16940

disable use of #pragma interface under Mac OS X GNU compiler included with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) as well as August Developer Tools update contain a bug concerning #pragma interface handling that can only be worked around by not using them (and they are not necessary anyways)

2002-09-02 18:10 VZ, revision 16939

include the header needed to compile this file

2002-09-02 15:19 VZ, revision 16938

no changes

2002-09-02 15:19 VZ, revision 16937

fixed restoring fonts from the native font info data which was completely broken somehow

2002-09-02 15:18 VZ, revision 16936

updated the comment about the flags meaning

2002-09-02 12:52 CE, revision 16935

Michael Fieldings patch 598106 applied in part

2002-09-02 12:51 VZ, revision 16934

generate key events for Space/Enter in addition to the activate events, as wxMSW does

2002-09-02 12:43 VZ, revision 16933

got rid of COMMON_THREADCPPFLAGS which is not really needed as we can use TOOLCHAIN_DEFS

2002-09-02 12:39 VZ, revision 16932

signed/unsigned comparison warning (and probably even error) fixed

2002-09-02 12:29 VZ, revision 16931

fixed the button alignment flags

2002-09-02 12:29 VZ, revision 16930

no changes

2002-09-02 08:52 JS, revision 16929

Applied patch [ 602924 ] colours and effects in wxMSW::wxFontDialog wxFontDialog effects only turned on if a valid colour was provided in wxFontData

2002-09-02 08:30 JS, revision 16928

Committed a couple of IPC changes I forgot to do

2002-09-02 00:44 VZ, revision 16927

choose implicit parent for the dialog boxes better, fixes weird focus jumps when using wxLog

2002-09-02 00:32 VZ, revision 16926

added a few WXDLLEXPORTS, corrected/expanded comments

2002-09-01 22:58 RL, revision 16925

More packaging updates for pending 2.3.3 release.

2002-09-01 22:00 VZ, revision 16924

experimental code to make it possible to use wxDateTime without the rest of wxWindows -- doesn't work at all, but saved in a side branch just in case

2002-09-01 21:29 GD, revision 16923

added wxSpinCtrl::SetSelection method

2002-09-01 20:33 RL, revision 16922

oops, make it build with wxbase too.

2002-09-01 20:24 VZ, revision 16921

another part of SetSelection() change I forgot to commit

2002-09-01 20:00 VZ, revision 16920

no changes

2002-09-01 20:00 VZ, revision 16919

don't call CreatesMessageOutput() explicitly, it will be created on demand as/if/when needed

2002-09-01 19:52 RL, revision 16918

added missing #include frame.h for mingw(3.2) build.

2002-09-01 19:01 JS, revision 16917

Copy event type too

2002-09-01 18:14 SN, revision 16916

Fixed apparent typo in wxGridCellAttr::MergeWith, hopefully fixing bug 581558 (wxGrid.SetColAttr vs. SetCellAlignment) Remove editor in Redimension. This should fix bug 593189 (wxGrid:delting rows doesn't hide editor)

2002-09-01 17:35 GD, revision 16915

corrected warnings

2002-09-01 17:11 VS, revision 16914

fixes to newly added i18n code in XRC - don't use it if wxXRC_USE_LOCALE isn't used

2002-09-01 17:02 JS, revision 16913

Removed warnings from ipcbase.cpp Removed extra wxYields from progress dialog Yield on wxX11 yields twice

2002-09-01 16:34 SN, revision 16912

Clear attribute cache in Redimension to fix Bug 508407.

2002-09-01 15:59 JS, revision 16911

Applied patch [ 603104 ] wxX11 wxClientDC, wxPaintDC fix This patch changes a pre-compile check to a run-time check. The fix is that for windows that only using 1 X window (like wxFrame) the client area needs to be adjusted... FL is one of the things that needs this patch to work ok under wxX11. Hans Van Leemputten

2002-09-01 15:48 JS, revision 16910

Clean up string table before uninitializing DDEML to cure crash on exit in memory-debug mode

2002-09-01 15:27 SN, revision 16909

Added some const qualifiers. "Fixed" bug no 500487 by limiting wxGrid::DoGetBestSize's return value by DisplaySize.

2002-09-01 15:08 JS, revision 16908

Accidentally omitted code from previous patch

2002-09-01 14:48 JS, revision 16907

Applied patch [ 600051 ] DDE and TCP improvements and fixes By Michael Fielding As discussed on wx-dev. some fixes and improvements for Interprocess Communication (IPC), using DDE and TCP. 1. DDE buffers were using a global buffer 2. TCP buffers were allocated each time needed, and Request would have caused memory leaks had it been used. Fixed these both by using a self-resizing buffer in wxConnectionBase. Changed samples and docs to reflect the improved (but backward compatible) internal buffer management. wxConnectionBase could (in future) use wxMemoryBuffer. 3. IPC sample had trouble closing, causing crash, when closing server using window X button. Because it was (effectively) trying to delete a window in OnExit, when that window was already destroyed. Fixed by making IPCDialog and MyConnection remember if they'd destroyed each other. It's not elegant, but either the connection or the window could be deleted first. 4. Docs for wxDDE... and wxTCP... duplicated eachother, supposed to have same API. Some parts unclear. Patch removes dde and tcp-specific files (including from tipc.tex and classes.tex), and explains how ipc.h selects for you which one to use based on platform. Some other misc clarifications. 6. Client sample was suffering apparent memory leak because of not deleting connection object, and had a hack in there to do that. In fact this was due to the derived OnDisconnect not deleting itself, as it does in base class. Mentioned need to do it in docs, fixed sample so that it does.

2002-09-01 11:41 VS, revision 16906

fixed a small typo

2002-09-01 03:16 RL, revision 16905

removed DoInit() straggler from appbase mods. #include log.h and so, wxbase builds again.

2002-09-01 00:54 SN, revision 16904

Applied AutoWrap Renderer Bugfix by Roger Gammans (Patch 467479). Blindly tried to fix crash reported by Roman Vanicek on Mailing list: SetCellHighlightColour sometimes segfaults in wxGTK. The application crashes in LookupAttr. Tentative explanation: Cache handling gets confused if LookupAttr gets called on wxGridNoCell.

2002-08-31 23:43 VZ, revision 16903

implemented a dirty hack allowing us to keep activation after wxExecute(wxEXEC_SYNC) call

2002-08-31 23:25 VZ, revision 16902

don't disable top level windows recursively

2002-08-31 23:19 VS, revision 16901

fixed font picker in wxHtmlHelpController, better UI is now used

2002-08-31 23:08 VZ, revision 16900

fix for losing focus under Windows after showing the progress dialog

2002-08-31 22:57 VZ, revision 16899

compilation fix

2002-08-31 22:52 VZ, revision 16898

SetSelection() for generic wxSpinCtrl (forgot to commit before)

2002-08-31 22:42 SN, revision 16897

Make use of new array functions. Added redraw function (by Roger Gammans). Added Cell overflow & multiple cells (Patch 518206).

2002-08-31 22:36 GD, revision 16896

use include "..." instead of <...>

2002-08-31 22:31 GD, revision 16895

disable use of #pragma interface under Mac OS X GNU compiler included with Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) as well as August Developer Tools update contain a bug concerning #pragma interface handling that can only be worked around by not using them (and they are not necessary anyways)

2002-08-31 20:06 RL, revision 16894

symbols.txt is no longer.

2002-08-31 19:00 JS, revision 16893

Forgot to add wxX11 FAQ

2002-08-31 16:27 JS, revision 16892

Some doc fixes

2002-08-31 15:37 VS, revision 16891

- applied patch that adds more i18n support to XRC handlers - added ; to ends of lines in gettext output - needed for older gettext tools?