

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-02-04 06:24 SC, revision 44356

adding scroll axis to wheel events

2007-02-04 00:35 VZ, revision 44355

our build also depends on bc

2007-02-04 00:34 VZ, revision 44354

call OnInit() from all samples to allow using standard command line options with all of them (patch 1623971)

2007-02-04 00:22 VZ, revision 44353

add accessors using wxFileName to wxFile/DirPickerCtrl (patch 1622534)

2007-02-04 00:12 VZ, revision 44352

added wxEventBlocker class (patch 1622444)

2007-02-03 15:56 VZ, revision 44351

updated comments after latest commit (Tim Kosse)

2007-02-03 12:01 VZ, revision 44350

fix compilation problem when wxUSE_FSVOLUME==0 after last commit: declare wxIsDriveAvailable() before using it

2007-02-02 23:59 VZ, revision 44349

use wxFSVolume instead of duplicating its functionality in the (MSW branch of) wxGetAvailableDrives() (patch 1615074)

2007-02-02 23:55 VZ, revision 44348

don't show an error if SHGetFileInfo(SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES) fails as it does all the time with network drives

2007-02-02 23:41 VZ, revision 44347

fix assert when the control doesn't have a valid date initially (bug 1648192)

2007-02-02 23:22 VZ, revision 44346

don't wait for Windows messages in WaitForThread() if we don't dispatch events (should fix the bugs 1523302 and 1650795)

2007-02-02 23:12 VZ, revision 44345

don't wait for Windows messages in WaitForThread() if we don't dispatch events (should fix the bugs 1523302 and 1650795)

2007-02-02 22:46 VZ, revision 44344

don't wake up on Windows messages when waiting for thread termination in a console application as this results in an infinite loop because we never process them and thus they remain in the queue for always (modified patch 1615875; closes bugs 877128)

2007-02-02 01:27 VZ, revision 44343

added support for underlined fonts

2007-02-01 22:54 RD, revision 44342

Reset g_lastMouseEvent after processing the mouse button release event

2007-02-01 22:52 RD, revision 44341

Don't capture the mouse until after we're sure we're not sending wxEVT_GRID_CELL_BEGIN_DRAG

2007-02-01 22:49 RD, revision 44340

Use Get instead of deprecated asTuple

2007-02-01 22:48 RD, revision 44339

fix typo

2007-02-01 00:26 VZ, revision 44338

document wxNewId() as being deprecated

2007-02-01 00:22 VZ, revision 44337

document Next/PrevControlId

2007-02-01 00:10 VZ, revision 44336

use wxObject copy ctor, not default ctor, in wxEvent copy ctor (backport from HEAD)

2007-02-01 00:07 VZ, revision 44335

use wxObject copy ctor, not default ctor, in wxEvent copy ctor

2007-01-31 14:27 JS, revision 44334

COrrected style doc

2007-01-31 03:40 VZ, revision 44333

removed wxABI_TESTS, they're irrelvant in 2.9

2007-01-31 03:34 VZ, revision 44332

Added wxSizerFlags::Top() and Bottom()