

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2007-04-05 15:00 VZ, revision 45256

changed wxLongLongNative(hi, lo) ctor to take wxInt32, not long, as it was completely broken on LP64 architectures otherwise

2007-04-05 14:58 VZ, revision 45255

define C99-like wxINT8/16/32_MIN/MAX constants in addition to wxInt8/16/32 types

2007-04-05 14:21 VZ, revision 45254

corrected signed/unsigned comparison warning

2007-04-05 14:19 VZ, revision 45253

fix another warning about unused variable in DoCStrDataTernaryOperator()

2007-04-05 12:41 VZ, revision 45252

fix warning about unused variable in DoCStrDataTernaryOperator()

2007-04-05 09:58 VZ, revision 45251

construct wxBasicString directly from wxString instead of passing by mb_str(): this is completely unnecessary (and also happens not to compile in Unicode build currently)

2007-04-05 09:33 VZ, revision 45250

fix typo in allowOthers description

2007-04-05 08:35 VS, revision 45249

made wxString::Replace, Matches and Find work with any form of string argument

2007-04-05 06:27 RD, revision 45248

Bakefile and other changes for new locations of STC and wxSVGFileDC. Remove old files in contrib.

2007-04-04 23:41 VZ, revision 45247

compilation fix for Unicode build: remove ambiguity arising when trying to pass wxCharBuffer to wxBasicString ctor which is overloaded for const char * and wxString by passing it directly wxString instead of calling mb_str() on it first

2007-04-04 13:38 VZ, revision 45246

don't call OnMouseEnter(-1) twice when the mouse leaves the toolbar but wasn't over a tool before

2007-04-04 11:40 VS, revision 45245

build fixes after previous commit

2007-04-04 02:04 VZ, revision 45244

call SetEventObject() for wxHtmlLinkEvents we generate [backport from HEAD]

2007-04-04 02:00 VZ, revision 45243

call SetEventObject() for wxHtmlLinkEvents we generate

2007-04-03 20:29 VS, revision 45242

cleanup of wxString ctors and operator=: made both char* and wchar_t* versions available, regardless of the build

2007-04-03 18:42 RD, revision 45241

Use our own getters and properties for wxVisualAttributes

2007-04-03 18:04 VZ, revision 45240

Undid last commit and restored bool argument to wxFrame::DoGiveHelp() as removing it could silently break existing user code overriding this function. Fix the problem with not restoring the original status bar text when the mouse pointer left the toolbar by simply calling DoGiveHelp() with false as second parameter only if there was no valid tool under mouse, not if the help string (for a valid tool) was empty.

2007-04-03 15:12 VZ, revision 45239

removed unnecessary checks for m_clipboard/targetsWidget being non-NULL in dtor: they're used without these checks in many other places anyhow

2007-04-03 14:06 VZ, revision 45238

replaced more occurrences of 2.8.3 with 2.8.4

2007-04-03 13:58 VZ, revision 45237

updated version to 2.8.4 after addition of wxString::[w]char_str()

2007-04-03 11:27 VZ, revision 45236

removed second parameter of wxFrame::DoGiveHelp(), the help string is always shown (even if it's empty), not hidden; this hopefully really fixes restoring the previously shown status bar text when the menu is dismissed

2007-04-03 10:36 VS, revision 45235

BCC5.5 compilation fix

2007-04-03 10:06 VS, revision 45234

compilation fix for BCC5.5

2007-04-03 08:46 VS, revision 45233

fixed wxBitmap<->wxImage conversion to not exchange red and blue components

2007-04-03 02:44 PC, revision 45232

build fixes for wxUSE_VALIDATORS==0