

These changelogs reflect the history of all files in the Subversion repository. The changelog has been generated at 2016-05-09 08:38:04

Changes per page:

25 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Changelog for wxWidgets (70435 changes):

2014-02-16 12:41 JS, revision 75892

Compile fix

2014-02-15 19:14 PC, revision 75888

mimic wxMSW wxSetCursorEvent propagation behavior, closes #15801

2014-02-15 19:11 JS, revision 75887

Sizing fix in wxRichTextImage::LoadImageCache

2014-02-15 17:59 VS, revision 75886

OS X: fix startup sequence when restoring session on >=10.7. Make sure that OnInit() is called before MacReopenApp(). This is normally the case, but it is possible for it to be called as the first thing. This can happen when OS X restores running apps when starting a new user session. Apps that were hidden (dock only) when the previous session terminated are only restored in a limited, resources-saving way - the event loop is running, but didn't call anything in the app delegate yet. When the user clicks the icon, applicationShouldHandleReopen: is called, but we didn't call OnInit() yet. In this case, we shouldn't call MacReopenApp(), but should proceed with normal initialization.

2014-02-15 17:59 VS, revision 75885

OS X: fix startup sequence when restoring session on >=10.7. Make sure that OnInit() is called before MacReopenApp(). This is normally the case, but it is possible for it to be called as the first thing. This can happen when OS X restores running apps when starting a new user session. Apps that were hidden (dock only) when the previous session terminated are only restored in a limited, resources-saving way - the event loop is running, but didn't call anything in the app delegate yet. When the user clicks the icon, applicationShouldHandleReopen: is called, but we didn't call OnInit() yet. In this case, we shouldn't call MacReopenApp(), but should proceed with normal initialization.

2014-02-15 17:19 JS, revision 75884

Optimized wxRTC insertion and deletion when floating objects are present.

2014-02-13 17:47 PC, revision 75883

avoid setting negative window size, see #15976

2014-02-13 17:46 PC, revision 75882

avoid forcing a paint on a window with zero size, see #15976

2014-02-13 13:32 JS, revision 75881

Added ability to disable images in wxRTC for performance or image corruption reasons

2014-02-13 13:01 JS, revision 75880

Corrected wxTextBoxAttr::IsDefault() implementation

2014-02-13 13:00 JS, revision 75879

Corrected wxTextBoxAttr::IsDefault() implementation

2014-02-13 12:57 JS, revision 75878

Border drawing corrections

2014-02-13 12:47 JS, revision 75877

Fixed a bug that prevented floating objects from being updated correctly

2014-02-13 12:46 JS, revision 75876

Fixed a bug that prevented floating objects from being updated correctly

2014-02-12 14:15 VZ, revision 75875

Provide more detailed deprecation message for wxFont ctor. Be more clear about how should the code be changed. Closes #15972.

2014-02-10 18:32 PC, revision 75867

finish setting size before sending wxMoveEvent

2014-02-10 18:25 PC, revision 75866

remove stuff that is already done by gtk_window_set_transient_for()

2014-02-10 18:11 PC, revision 75865

generate wxMoveEvent from wxPopupWindow::DoSetSize()

2014-02-09 20:53 PC, revision 75864

add missing GTK3 implementations of GTKGetWindow()

2014-02-09 19:36 PC, revision 75863

emit signal by id instead of name

2014-02-09 19:15 PC, revision 75862

get non-default wxTextCtrl cursors working with GTK3

2014-02-09 17:49 PC, revision 75861

Use "state-flags-changed" signal with GTK3, deprecated "state-changed" is ignored.

2014-02-09 14:40 VZ, revision 75858

Extract private methods when generating documentation too. The only private methods appearing in interface/wx/*.h files are meant to be documented, so do extract them. This should fix wxThread::OnExit() not appearing in the generated documentation, for example.

2014-02-08 15:12 VZ, revision 75846

Fix wxToolBar size in wxMSW when not using icons. There were several problems when the toolbar style was toggled to not show icons, fix them by adding missing checks for wxTB_NOICONS style. Closes #13578.

2014-02-08 15:12 VZ, revision 75845

Fix build under OS X with --disable-xrc. Don't try to change the install names in non-existent (in this case) wxrc. Closes #15946.