Download FileZilla Client for macOS (Intel)


The latest stable version of FileZilla Client is 3.67.0

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Size: 15419033 bytes

SHA-512 hash: b6f0df90664cc483c26fba0382ebe573d25d92a551214fc11e29a0395f1262ce2569c335e720a484ee862a9b81b3a24ed3f2a00f4348ccd6c8fc6988635029d8

Requires macOS 10.13.2 or newer

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Please select your edition of FileZilla Client

FileZilla FileZilla
with manual
FileZilla Pro
Standard FTP Yes Yes Yes
FTP over TLS Yes Yes Yes
SFTP Yes Yes Yes
Comprehensive PDF manual - Yes Yes
Amazon S3 Transfer files to the Amazon cloud using Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) protocol
- - Yes
Backblaze B2 Manage your files on Backblaze B2
- - Yes
Dropbox Manage your files on Dropbox
- - Yes
Microsoft OneDrive Manage your files on OneDrive.
- - Yes
Google Drive Manage your files on Google Drive. Also supports Team Drive shares.
- - Yes
Google Cloud Storage Transfer files to the Google Cloud using its cloud storage service
- - Yes
Microsoft Azure Blob and File Storage Transfer files to the Azure cloud using Microsoft's Blob Storage and File Storage services
- - Yes
WebDAV Transfer files using the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning protocol
- - Yes
OpenStack Swift Transfer files to OpenStack Swift clouds using Keystone v2 authentication
- - Yes
Box Transfer files to your cloud storage hosted at
- - Yes
Site Manager synchronization Securely synchronize your stored server credentials between all your machines.
- - Yes